User Agreement
The User Agreement is a public offer agreement.
By confirming consent to the user agreement, the
user expresses acceptance of the offer (conclusion of the offer agreement), which
includes the following provisions:
1. The services of the service are provided as is, the developers are not responsible for the shortcomings of the service.
2. The user agrees with the attached privacy policy regarding the personal data transmitted to the service.
Privacy Policy
1. In order to fulfill the offer agreement, the service collects the following personal data of users
- email address;
- user name (real or any entered by the user);
- braille text images uploaded by the user.
- the user has explicitly agreed to this by selecting the appropriate option when uploading the image or leaving the selection unchanged, made by him in individual settings;
- by confirming the consent to the publication, the user confirms, that the braille text on the image itself does not contain information, against the publication of which he objects;
- only depersonalized uploaded images can be published (without the user's name, address and other personal information related to the image);< / li>
- the user who has registered on the service can withdraw consent to the publication of images, uploaded by him after registration. The consent is considered canceled from the moment of its withdrawal by the user. If the image was published before the consent was revoked, the service cannot guarantee its exclusion from public access.